Growth is only progress if it is people- and planet-inclusive. We are u-inc: the regrowth agency.

Economic growth as we know it has become an unsustainable phenomenon: a one-dimensional model that consumes 1.7 planet, exceeding all our social and ecological limits. It is time for a thorough revaluation. A new way of looking, thinking, and doing that approaches growth from a planet- and human-inclusive angle. Not because we know better. But because we must do better. So get connected. Get involved. Because regrowth is now. And you are the future.

Regrowth through the power of imagination

Regrowth is not about the effect of what you do, but about the core of what you do. It means to seriously look at, think about, and do things differently. Doing so offers a new understanding of value creation. A vision that unites ecological, social, and commercial value as one. This requires a process in which we dare to be vulnerable. Curious about the unknown. And embracing chaos on our way to clarity. Not by zooming in on what should be avoided. But by identifying what opportunities already exist. This creates a new perspective for action. One that truly becomes manifest, through the power of imagination.

“Rotterdam Ahoy is part of an ecosystem in which sustainability is urgent and complex. Thanks to u-inc, we now have a new, stimulating perspective on how we as an organization can give this relationship substance, meaning, and direction.”

Kitty van Dongen,
CFO Rotterdam Ahoy

Start or accelerate your regrowth transition

u-inc designs regrowth manifestations to accelerate your transition into the new economy. These manifestations foster a people- and planet-inclusive approach to value creation, connecting in a safe space, following an inspiring program. The goal of this program is not only to arrive at a future-proof perspective your organization can embrace. It also intends to give it substance. This can take the form of an event, internal campaign, installation, brand story, film, documentary, platform, or, for example, a community. This is how we make regrowth tangible and relatable for all involved. As the start of your transition. Or as the way it accelerates.

Wondering what a regrowth manifestation could bring for your organization? Get in touch.

Then get in touch.

A livable future is now

With a strategic core team and a collective of like-minded thinkers, doers, and makers, we help people, brands, companies, and organizations get ready for what the new economy demands of us. Ambitious to bring a livable future closer. Driven by responsibility. Ready to make an impact together. Let’s go!

Join team or collective

The following partners help us make our ambitions valuable

Hogeschool Inholland


Rotterdam Ahoy

Make regrowth manifest for your organization

    Let's regrow together. Please leave your details below and we will be in touch.